(512) 321–9200


As the year is closing in, it is time to reflect on those accomplishments, and pitfalls of 2013.
What can we celebrate from the year?
What went right?
What risk did I take?
Did the risk payoff?
What didn’t pay off?
Did it not work out because I took a risk? or
Did it not work because I gave up in some way?

Huge questions, I know. However if you are interested in growing, evolving, becoming a better version of yourself, these are really important questions to ask. Personally, I find that it is human tendency to focus on the negative, the loss, or the challenges. That’s absolutely ok, if it drives me. However, if it causes me to stop growing and evolving, then I have truly wasted time.
Time is the most precious commodity, of which can never be returned. Use it wisely.