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bad curve

bad curve

Picture taken facing left. Reversal of curve shown.

When looking at an x-ray, like the one above, it is important to understand a few things:

  1. This curve was not always this way. Most of us have a great curve in our neck before we can walk properly, it helps with balance.
  2. It is a common condition, yet it does not have to be. The curvature in the spine gets changed like the one above from a condition called vertebral subluxation.
  3. This can and should be corrected for proper functioning of the nerve system, which leads to a healthier existence.

Intelligence is number one

Your life experience is determined by your innate intelligence, through your nerve system. Literally, without the intelligent innate intelligence that we all posses, the pieces of what we see in the mirror, or under a microscope are useless. We are more than the parts could ever be. So, let’s not say terms like, “the body heals itself.” It doesn’t. The body is nothing without the intelligence that resides within it.

Do we know exactly how it all works? Of course not.

Knowing the details of how my smart phone work is not important for me in order to be able to utilize the device for my benefit. The same can be said about your innate intelligence.

Why does this matter? Well, words have meaning. Denying the existence of an intelligent design could allow you to make decisions that are not in your best interest…or worse yet, not in the best interest of a loved one.baby hand


Wake up calls.

More often than not, those making extremely healthy decisions are the ones that had some type of wake up call:

  • Diagnosed with some sort of cancer.
  • Realized he couldn’t play 10 minutes of basketball with his son.
  • She noticed that her blood pressure was higher than usual the last 2 times she stopped by the monitor at the local pharmacy.
  • He realized that the list of foods that he could consume was getting smaller and smaller, so thought he would go to the doctor to see what was going on.

The list goes on and on. What I wonder is this:

Can you make healthy decisions without a wake up call?

The results of living a healthy life prior to a wake up call are much more fruitful than waiting till the bottom drops out to plug the hole. I have 4 simple steps that will help you delay or never receive that wake up call:

  1. Get you spine adjusted if there is a subluxation, because subluxations are detrimental to health.
  2. Eat better food, because it’s better to supply your body with energy it can use.
  3. Exercise because movement is what your body was made for.
  4. Think, because a mind was meant to be used, not spoon fed.

So, I really messed up.

Young Woman Meditating on the Floor

I forgot to take my vitamins this morning. I just was in too big of a hurry, and didn’t remember to take them. I did remember, however to do my stretches, but I didn’t actually DO my stretches. I know I am suppose to stretch in the morning, my massage therapist once told me, “What is the first thing your dog does in the morning? They stretch, and so should you.”

Now I am at work, and I am suppose to meditate in the morning. Well,  I arrived here too late, and it’s Monday…so, there are a lot of emails to catch up on. So, I skipped out on the morning meditation. I know, I feel bad about it…I really should stay in check.

At lunch I planned to workout, maybe I will skip and grab some BBQ instead. What is one meal gonna hurt?

Then I realize, to my relief: Although many decisions I make every single day may not support a healthy body, I am pretty darn healthy despite this.

Does it mean that these actions actually are not healthy for me? Of course not. We know what is healthy and what is not, however we also know that our bodies have an amazing ability to adapt to stress. This is what my innate intelligence can and does do when it is able to function without interference.

I may not meditate every single day, or even stretch all the time, and sometimes I eat unhealthy, or have an alcoholic drink. I will not ever skip on my chiropractic care. Chiropractic adjustments allow my natural, inborn adaptability (via my innate intelligence) to work at its peak, even when I stress it with poor decisions.

Keep this part of me working, and I don’t have to stress the small stuff, and neither will you!



spark of life

What if we took for granted the most precious of gifts?

It is very EASY to get bogged down in the day-to-day requirements of living in a world that moves faster every day. Usually, there are time crunches that require us to focus on minute details, and it is necessary to realize the purpose of all the work.


This video shows the exact moment a sperm unites with an egg. The bigger the spark, the healthier the organism. So, maybe realizing that there was a fireworks display at your birth, should help you understand that your life was a gift…now unwrap it.