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Every now and then I see an article on a website that is surprising. What makes the article a surprise is the source. Example:
Today on kevinmd, a site known for it’s very old-school, allopathic train of thought, has released an article called:
We need health care instead of disease management
by Robert G. Dorfman
This is exactly what the chiropractic profession has been discussing for more than 100 years now. The trend of sick-care, and disease management is long over. It’s time for a change in the right direction. It’s time to see the “healthcare” profession in our country take on true health care.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

We’ve heard all the quotes that agree with the above. It’s the difference between taking care of our health versus trying to find a cure, or manage a problem. No one that I know would choose disease management over health care. So why do we continue down this road for so many years?
The time for a change is now. Start thinking of your health in this manner, and reap the rewards.

how long will it take?

For everything there is a season.

-Ecclesiastes III, KJV

There is no process that does not require time.

-BJ Palmer

Time is one of those subjects that your doctor will not want to talk about. Most people, in fact, will try to play into the hands of the consumer with their wishes. Most patients, consumers, and customers want the goods NOW. Sometimes that is possible. Sometimes all it takes is one adjustment, and that individuals life visibly and completely changes. I had that happen just this week. However, more often than not, healing, and therefore changes, take time.

The real question is, “How much time?”.

That depends on how much time it took for you to get in this condition. Notice I said, “condition”. I did not say, “How long have you had the symptom?”. Once the length of time of the condition is discovered, then and only then can an educated answer with regards to time occur.

Fortunately, the body heals faster than it will degenerate. From my experience, the average patient will take 1 month to heal 1 year of condition. Therefore, if the condition is found to have been present for 20 years, then 20 months is healing time. Another fortunate for you, is that what you feel (your symptoms) will clear up much sooner than your healing time.

All in, all done?

Recently I was watching a favorite show in our home called, “Storage Wars”. I assume the interest in the show is to see, without actually getting dirty, what someone would pay to store. Then, as though their “stuff” isn’t worth anything, someone will stop paying the monthly storage fees, and let it all go to auction.

Last night there was an episode in which it was obvious to see what was in the unit. It was filled with motorcycle parts, mainly motors. A total of 40 complete motors, ranging from vintage Yamaha, to a newer Harley Davidson were found, along with approximately 20 incomplete motors to use as parts. What a find! So what did the bidders do? I assumed the auction would go for 5K minimum, however this was not the case.

When the bidders were all interviewed, all but one person really saw the value. Everyone else made comments like:
“It looks like a lot of work.”
“My back hurts looking at this.”
“I see a lot of time spent trying to sell this, like a month!”

There was one bidder that saw the value, and he purchased the unit for under 2K. In the end, he was truly the winner. He saw the value, he got it for a reasonable price, and profited over 8K with an immediate sale to a local motorcycle repair shop. In fact, the owner of the motorcycle repair shop agreed to clean out the locker by the end of the day, himself!

So, what’s to learn?

When given an opportunity, most humans will get lazy and miss out on the huge benefit of the opportunity. I see this in the healthcare business all the time:
“Wow, doc. That looks like a lot of work.”
“I don’t know if I can wake up 15 minutes earlier to come in before work. I’m not a morning person.”
“That’s a long time to get what I want. Can’t I just take a pill?”

Here is the cold hard truth. Sometimes you have to work to get a good outcome. Hard work, money, and time spent doesn’t always mean you will get a great outcome from your investment. However, if you never try I can guarantee that you will NEVER see a great outcome. But, it gets even better than that!

Chiropractic is a lot different than an auction. Chiropractic isn’t a gamble. It is based on time-tested, scientific principles that work. When given the proper alignment to your spine, you will have a healthier nerve system. A healthier nerve system means better sleep, more energy, increased levels of performance, less medications, less allergies, less healthcare dollars spent by your family, and less sick days from work and school (just to name a few).

Sometimes opportunities look like a lot of work, when truly it will add real value to your life, if you give it a chance. Give your health a chance today. It won’t wait around forever. As my favorite auctioneer says, “All in, all done?”

Listening or Speaking?

It seems to me that more often than not, a person will follow their:

brain instead of their heart
intellect instead of their gut
educated mind instead of their innate mind
other’s opinions instead of their inner wisdom

All too often, we take other’s opinions and agree with whatever sounds good to us at that time. Like a balloon blowing in the wind, whichever gust blows the hardest, is the direction we take. Whomever speaks the loudest gets our attention. Unfortunately, the ones that tend to speak the loudest in the “healthcare” field, are those that have the most money.

I strive to guide my patients to a land of rational thought. The place where you think for yourself. Education is used as a reference point, understanding that there is no substitute to real world testing. We give research and information on health, and let you draw your own conclusion.

I don’t want to perpetuate the follower attitude. I want you to think for yourself. Of course you will know my opinion, and I believe I earn my patient’s trust…however true understanding and change in paradigm, with regards to true healthcare, has to be found on your own.

Matthew M Mix, DC


There are many times that I am asked the following question, “When is it time to seek medical intervention?”  Some will tell you that everyone draws the line at a different place.  I guess you can look at it this way, however I see no reason anyone needs to draw the line any differently than anyone else…let me explain:

I ask myself the following questions, and based on the response determine if it is time to switch gears in healthcare for the patient, myself, my friends, or my family.  That is important, because to me it does not matter who it is, I act no differently for my family with regards to health, as I do my patients.

1-Is this person in distress?

2-Is this distress affecting basic survival mechanisms to not occur (to the point where life seems to be quite delicate), such as breathing, eating, or elimination? If yes, then time for medical intervention until able to heal naturally.

3-Is the nerve system (the master control system) of this individual working properly?  If no, then adjust it.

4-If they are eating and drinking, is it, and has it been, proper? If no, then change it.

5-Is there an external stress that needs to be addressed for this individual to move forward?  If so, then get rid of it.

In all situations of health disturbance, there is the tendency for someone to over react.  This is common, and it is usually based on emotions.  You have to take emotions out of the questions, and out of the situation in order to get the proper steps accomplished for the betterment of health.

For example, I know your mother died of cancer, and I realize you have a lump on your kidney.  However, the kidney is working properly, due to the tests that you performed, and the lump came back as non cancerous….so lets not take your organs out please!

Everyday, women are having their breasts removed because their parents had breast cancer.  The organs are there for a purpose.  Remove the emotions, go through the questions, and restore the proper order to health.