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spark of life

What if we took for granted the most precious of gifts?

It is very EASY to get bogged down in the day-to-day requirements of living in a world that moves faster every day. Usually, there are time crunches that require us to focus on minute details, and it is necessary to realize the purpose of all the work.


This video shows the exact moment a sperm unites with an egg. The bigger the spark, the healthier the organism. So, maybe realizing that there was a fireworks display at your birth, should help you understand that your life was a gift…now unwrap it.


The difference between the Vitalist and the Allopath is the amount of knowledge they have in innate intelligence.

The Vitalist believes that the body can heal, if there is no interference.

The Allopath believes that the body needs help by adding something to the body. This can be in the form of natural or unnatural products, or processes.

There is a need for both types of professionals, and when they work together, utilizing each of their knowledge at the right time for the patient. When this happens, healthcare can truly exist.

Innate intelligence + doughnuts = life

donutWhen exploring the health-potential of the human species, I am amazed at 2 main things:

  1. How well the human body is made and kept functioning; with little to no help from the intellect of that human.
  2. How little thought the average person gives to the processes that are occurring within him (that he has little to no help with).

If you think number 2 is not something to take seriously, then it is because you do not understand number 1. Number 1 is discussing what chiropractors refer to as innate intelligence. Learn more about your innate intelligence here.

Innate intelligence, in a nutshell, is responsible for every function of every cell and tissue in the body. (I know, this is a large “nutshell”). It is said that innate intelligence is what guides the actions that keep you alive and functioning as well as it can with the resources available. It is referred to as intelligent, because of the actions that occur under the guidance of innate intelligence.

After all, we consider some in our human species intelligent, however even the highest IQ cannot and have not understood 99% of the complexities of the human body. However, innate intelligence does, and will take that doughnut and cheap coffee you picked up at Donut Temple and convert it to something useful enough to prolong your existence!


Who are YOU?

He who trims himself to suit everyone will soon whittle himself away.

-Raymond Hull

What I think Raymond is talking about is being authentic. Authenticity, not in the manner of telling someone how you feel in an attempt to upset them. No, I believe Raymond is talking about being uniquely you.baby hand

You see, YOU are the only you like you. Without you, there would be no you. There is no replacement for you. In fact, when looking at just the visible you, there is no comparison. And that is just what we see.

The world wants to know what you think. This is how we, as a society, progress. What you think, and I think are not 100% the same. That is because our thoughts are uniquely different as well.

Of course, when thinking about that uniqueness, I would be a fool to not mention the unique nature your innate intelligence(II) has for you, than it does for me. Your II is responsible for keeping you adapting to the crazy world in which you reside.

II has a lot of work to do, and it isn’t done yet. How about for this December, we all focus on what makes us uniquely different, and fully express that trait in 2016.

Visit us to learn more about full life expression.

The wonders of innate

Everyone in my office has heard me speak of innate intelligence. Innate intelligence, if you have not heard the term, is what is responsible for the healing within all living things. Innate continually does everything it can to keep you thriving in a not-so-perfect world. Without innate, there is no life.
Innate is not a new principle. The idea of innate has been around since the beginning of time. Innate is simply the difference between someone that is alive, and one that is not. Innate is the conductor.
In a highly orchestrated concert, innate is the conductor. Every member of the orchestra is vitally important to the concert. In fact without one member of the orchestra, the sound is diminished, the timing off, and the music will suffer. The conductor keeps it all working together, in harmony.
Today as you eat your not-so-healthy food choices, innate will decipher what it can use, and what it cannot. As you stress over a spreadsheet at work, take a moment to cherish and be thankful for your innate intelligence. For it keeps on working, with whatever resources you provide, to keep you as healthy as possible.
