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The vision blog

Who knows best?

by | Sep 13, 2012

How do we know when we are sick?

Who determines whether your body is doing what it should be doing (healthy), or if it is out of control (sick)?

By out of control, who or what is in control of our body and it’s functions?

As a Chiropractor, we refer to the “in control who or what” as Innate Intelligence.  Innate Intelligence, or II for short, is that “thing” inside all of us that calls the shots.  With all my education, I have no idea how to turn a Twinkie into energy, and  I can not regulate my own blood pressure for the proper activities.  So, if it were up to my “educated mind” to keep me alive and healthy….I would fail.

Therefore, how do I know when I am really healthy or sick?  Fevers are used to kill harmful invaders in my body…a natural immune response.  Vomiting is a way to get “bad stuff” out of my body, as does diarrhea.

Instead of second guessing our II, try supporting it with things that we KNOW that are good and healthy.  Let’s not jump the gun on whether we THINK we need to lower that fever, or take a pill to induce a response from our body.  Until man is smarter than II, there is no reason to second guess it….support it!

Matthew M Mix, DC