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The vision blog


by | Jul 29, 2016

We have this couple that use to live in our town. In fact, they use to life in my neighborhood. They were so unhappy. They were unhappy with the school system, the roadways, the H.O.A., the golf course, the bike paths, the nature trails and even the garbage collection companies. They were so unhappy, I did my best to avoid this couple at every opportunity. You see, I did not want my EXPERIENCE to be dictated by them.

This is an important lesson to be learned. Are we allowing others to determine the type of experience we have on this planet. We have all heard the conversations about how time is fleeting…but what are we doing about it?

Right now, you decide what experience you would like to choose. Choose the best experience possible, and you are choosing to get rid of the leeches. Truth is, you are not helping them anyhow, or they wouldn’t be complaining so much! Kick them to the curb immediately, and move on to a better experience.IMG_1634