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The vision



Does chiropractic help with..?

This type of question is a very common question and leads to A LOT of confusion. Let me explain: "Does chiropractic fix sciatica? My friend said that you cured her." Here is the honest answer: NO! Chiropractic does not fix sciatica. YOU are the one that cures or fixes...

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As the 4th of July approaches, I am reminded of the grit, hard-work, vision, and hope that many had to give. These values have given us the freedom we experience today. In reality, that is all that man has ever wanted from the beginning of time.. Freedom to live a...

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In Awe of Innate Intelligence
In Awe of Innate Intelligence

I just recently experienced my first fracture. I was diagnosed with an avulsion fracture in my ankle. An avulsion fracture is where the tip of a bone (where ligaments attach) pulls off in an extreme stretch in the area. Left behind is a piece of bone that can...

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What did you just say?
What did you just say?

Do you ever get 5 minutes into a conversation until you realize that you and the other individual are talking about something completely different? This is sorta what happened to me the other day, except it happened on a blog. Let me explain.. The subject of the blog...

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Healthy or sick?

Our bodies have an amazing ability: adaptation. Adaptation means that you (without thinking about it much) are able to change to suit the conditions of the environment. Take the simplest of adaptation signs: shivering. Assuming the temperature drops (as it did just...

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Lately there has been a lot of talk about preparedness: Survival training, bug-out bags, portable filtration systems. The list goes on and on... When you think of what the core of chiropractic can do for you, it is really about being prepared: Prepared to fight the...

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Can you hear me now?
Can you hear me now?

How much time will you give your health? In this day of advanced electronic communication, we seem to be busier than ever. There is always an opportunity to be interrupted. Someone can easily reach you in a moment's notice to get what THEY need. However, who is taking...

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Wellness is being re-defined
Wellness is being re-defined

The basic definitions of words that chiropractors utilize are often misunderstood by the general population. For instance, "wellness". For a long time, I was not able to understand why my conversations with words such as these were misinterpreted by others....

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Mark yourself safe.
Mark yourself safe.

I've seen a trend on Facebook in the last year that asks if you are safe. I assume, a way to check on friends that are in affected areas of significant events. It is unfortunate that this has become even a question, especially with the advances our society has made...

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The human body is the ultimate D.I.Y. The correct amount of oxygen is given to the correct amount of blood cells in the exact place that is most efficient in the correct percentage necessary for life. Truly, we could go on and on about the intelligent actions within...

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The word, "legacy" is very important to our clinic, Adjust. It is one of our core values that serves as a litmus test for our objectives. Simply put, we make decisions that have positive affects long-term. What would be the opposite of this? Temporary There are many...

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Lent is done!
Lent is done!

Lent is over, now what? Due to my Catholic roots, I enjoy giving up something that is unhealthy for Lent. If you give up the right thing, it is a healthy change and a good way to test self-control. But, what happens after Lent? After you are off the hook from your...

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It’s time to give up
It’s time to give up

What are you willing to give up to reach your health goals? I'm willing to be honest. Sometimes that comes across a little harsh to a potential patient that wants to know if they can be helped. Sometimes that answer is, "no". No doubt, I do not hesitate to tell the...

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4 Questions to Live By.
4 Questions to Live By.

1- Is your health really a priority? 2- If you "lost your health", what would that mean? It has often been said that if you wish to know an individual's values, look at where they spend their time. We can all say, "God, family, health." However, when push comes to...

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Healthcare in America
Healthcare in America

The discussion of healthcare continues in the headlines in the US on a daily basis. Not only were healthcare discussions a likely reason for many voters to participate in the the recent election of President Trump, healthcare costs continue to rise at an alarming...

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Somebody once told me the definition of hell: “On your last day on earth, the person you became will meet the person you could have become." — Anonymous A common theme among our patients is found in the above quote. We value health for ourselves and our families. We...

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Ever heard this: You can never have too much of a good thing. Of course there are always exceptions to rules that have words in them like, "never". However, I would definitely say this is true for a proper chiropractic adjustment. I decided to briefly write about this...

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sexy danger

Telling someone that they have 40 years of deterioration in their spine and nerve system isn't sexy. What's sexy is telling that same person that there is something they can feel 18 again in 7 days after taking this remedy, and right now it is on sale! Of course we...

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A valuable life

We want our community to live a life that is valuable. A life that is worthy of praise. A life that is well lived. It may be dirty at times, there may be ups and downs, however let there be no limitations due to a poor and neglected health. A life with little or no...

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proper focus
proper focus

One cannot have more dark. Nor can you truly posses disease! Darkness is simply the absence of light. In order to rid your room of darkness, isn't it easier to light a candle, than to remove the dark? In order to rid ourselves of disease, we must promote health....

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Why expect more?
Why expect more?

Why do we expect more out of your health? We have seen some pretty great transformations in some pretty train-wrecked people, thats why. Imagine if you had a crew show up to build your home. This crew had some of the best foundation workers, concrete preparers,...

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The intelligence

We understand that the human body is a marvelous machine, which can accomplish amazing things. We know that there is an amazing intelligence within you that is in control of all actions, adapting you to the environment you live. Innate intelligence is a term that...

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Super Bowl Greatness
Super Bowl Greatness

Why do people get so excited about football? Of course, it is marketed extremely well. Then there's the bright lights, performances from the greatest artists at halftime. However, why care about football at all? I believe it is because people want what these Super...

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Big Mistake

Often when people come to the conclusion that they have failed their health without knowing, despair can be seen. This is totally understandable. They should be disappointed, they should be mad! Imagine focusing your life on things you believe will bring security:...

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Isn’t that normal?

Often, a 35-50 year old individual, whom initially enters my office, believes that it is normal to feel fatigue midday. They chalk it up to kids, age, stress at work, spousal issues, etc. No doubt, there will always be times when stress will get us down. However,...

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