To get healthier, you have to get rid of unhealthy habits. I know it sounds simple, but stay with me for 2 minutes on this important, simplistic truth.
A lot of diets, and “strategies” to lose weight or to clean up your health do not utilize the most important factor in becoming healthy:
You must let go of bad habits and poor tendencies, in order to create a healthier life.
Why do most strategies not embrace this simple truth? It’s not sexy. Yep, it’s not really that interesting, it isn’t flashy, and it would be easier to try to sell you a “miracle” pill.
Listen, it comes down to this:
You were made for a healthy existence. Therefore, if you are not healthy, then something is in the way.
Chances are, you do not need a magic pill, a potion, or a fat burning capsule. The health you desire also desires you. Your good health is constantly striving to be realized within you. The natural tendency to the human existence is health.
Remove the interruptions to this natural, normal healthy state, and experience what you are meant to experience.
All to often, I notice that the mind is neglected. The part of our human experience that deciphers our surroundings is not to be taken lightly.
I believe that your mind can determine your life experience. I have met people that live in very similar environments. One is happy, and one is sad. It is all determined by their very own mind.
It all boils down to a decision: “Do you train your mind, or do you allow it to be influenced by outside sources?”
One of the worst decisions I can possibly make when eating breakfast is turn on the news. Stories of wars, poverty, viruses. Wouldn’t it be a better use of time to have a conversation with my wife and son? This is how you can train your mind. Use it properly, and it will become an asset, not a liability.
I returned from a small town in Nicaragua this week. There were many things that were quite a bit different than our usual day-to-day routines. However, I would like to talk about one in particular: toilet paper (TP).
TP is such a simple product. Near everywhere you travel, you will see TP. Sometimes TP is rough, sometimes it is soft. Sometimes it is thick, and sometimes you find it thin. Sometimes perforated, others a continuous roll.
One thing is for certain with TP:
Once you get use to a certain quality, it is near impossible to be satisfied with an inferior experience.
Health can be thought of in a similar fashion. When you experience the results of a quality chiropractic adjustment, your quality of life changes for the better. Your health simply deserves to function without interruption from a subluxation. When a quality adjustment is given, a subluxation clears, and quality of life instantly changes. Why would anyone want a lower quality of life?
The difference between the Vitalist and the Allopath is the amount of knowledge they have in innate intelligence.
The Vitalist believes that the body can heal, if there is no interference.
The Allopath believes that the body needs help by adding something to the body. This can be in the form of natural or unnatural products, or processes.
There is a need for both types of professionals, and when they work together, utilizing each of their knowledge at the right time for the patient. When this happens, healthcare can truly exist.
“Success demands singleness of purpose.” -Vince Lombardi
One can assume that Coach Lombardi was referring to success on the football field. However, I believe that success in all aspects of life (in this case health) can be tracked to a specific purpose that certain actions are being made. Let me explain deeper.
I often have patients ask me how long I think it will take for them to feel better, or get over a certain diseased state. The interesting thing about the answer I give, is that my best answer must always involve knowing the individual’s purpose for seeking my care initially. Unfortunately, most have not really thought through their purpose intentionally.
So, what is your purpose for living a healthier life? Do you want to feel better, or do you want to be able to experience life at a greater level? Either way, there is no wrong or right answer, it is completely YOUR purpose. However, we should be careful. If you do not choose your own purpose, someone will choose it for you.
In this case, the outcome is that of the chooser…and you may not be the one that stood up for what you want!
When exploring the health-potential of the human species, I am amazed at 2 main things:
How well the human body is made and kept functioning; with little to no help from the intellect of that human.
How little thought the average person gives to the processes that are occurring within him (that he has little to no help with).
If you think number 2 is not something to take seriously, then it is because you do not understand number 1. Number 1 is discussing what chiropractors refer to as innate intelligence. Learn more about your innate intelligence here.
Innate intelligence, in a nutshell, is responsible for every function of every cell and tissue in the body. (I know, this is a large “nutshell”). It is said that innate intelligence is what guides the actions that keep you alive and functioning as well as it can with the resources available. It is referred to as intelligent, because of the actions that occur under the guidance of innate intelligence.
After all, we consider some in our human species intelligent, however even the highest IQ cannot and have not understood 99% of the complexities of the human body. However, innate intelligence does, and will take that doughnut and cheap coffee you picked up at Donut Temple and convert it to something useful enough to prolong your existence!