What are you putting off right now? I’m not talking about doing the dishes. What I am speaking of… is life changing habits, or actions. The thing that can make next year, 5 years, or 10 years down the road remarkably different than it is today.
If you are like me, this is what is going on in your mind:
On one hand, you are sitting there reading these words on your computer, phone, i-Pad, or other device, and you say to yourself, “what the heck is he talking about?” On the other hand, you know exactly what I am talking about.
Remove the fear. Remove the doubt, remove the anxiety and attachments. These “things” (I use this “thing” term very loosely), as they are not real. They are manifestations of a lowered self-esteem. Remove them, and truth will come your way. The truth I am seeking today, out of you, is simply this:
What do you know that can change your life for the better? All that it requires is a little action, and a step out of your comfort zone. It’s time to take that step.
Recently I was watching a favorite show in our home called, “Storage Wars”. I assume the interest in the show is to see, without actually getting dirty, what someone would pay to store. Then, as though their “stuff” isn’t worth anything, someone will stop paying the monthly storage fees, and let it all go to auction.
Last night there was an episode in which it was obvious to see what was in the unit. It was filled with motorcycle parts, mainly motors. A total of 40 complete motors, ranging from vintage Yamaha, to a newer Harley Davidson were found, along with approximately 20 incomplete motors to use as parts. What a find! So what did the bidders do? I assumed the auction would go for 5K minimum, however this was not the case.
When the bidders were all interviewed, all but one person really saw the value. Everyone else made comments like:
“It looks like a lot of work.”
“My back hurts looking at this.”
“I see a lot of time spent trying to sell this, like a month!”
There was one bidder that saw the value, and he purchased the unit for under 2K. In the end, he was truly the winner. He saw the value, he got it for a reasonable price, and profited over 8K with an immediate sale to a local motorcycle repair shop. In fact, the owner of the motorcycle repair shop agreed to clean out the locker by the end of the day, himself!
So, what’s to learn?
When given an opportunity, most humans will get lazy and miss out on the huge benefit of the opportunity. I see this in the healthcare business all the time:
“Wow, doc. That looks like a lot of work.”
“I don’t know if I can wake up 15 minutes earlier to come in before work. I’m not a morning person.”
“That’s a long time to get what I want. Can’t I just take a pill?”
Here is the cold hard truth. Sometimes you have to work to get a good outcome. Hard work, money, and time spent doesn’t always mean you will get a great outcome from your investment. However, if you never try I can guarantee that you will NEVER see a great outcome. But, it gets even better than that!
Chiropractic is a lot different than an auction. Chiropractic isn’t a gamble. It is based on time-tested, scientific principles that work. When given the proper alignment to your spine, you will have a healthier nerve system. A healthier nerve system means better sleep, more energy, increased levels of performance, less medications, less allergies, less healthcare dollars spent by your family, and less sick days from work and school (just to name a few).
Sometimes opportunities look like a lot of work, when truly it will add real value to your life, if you give it a chance. Give your health a chance today. It won’t wait around forever. As my favorite auctioneer says, “All in, all done?”
If you had the knowledge of an IN-born, INtelligent, INnate ability of every human being to heal from any and all of life’s colds, flus, aches, diseases, or cancers what would you do with this knowledge?
Wouldn’t it seem reasonable that you would tell all of your friends and family (at least the ones that you care about) about this POWERful “thing” that resides withIN them?
This very thing exists in you. The power to organize, repair, construct, destruct, re-construct is all there. The ability for you to be the absolute best version of YOU is so close within your reach, that it ALMOST seems impossible, too good to be true, or out of grasp.
WithIN all of us is an INnate that is all knowing when it comes to your health and well being. Support this INnate, don’t fight it, cut it, burn it, or drug it.
Responding to symptoms is emergency care, not health care. Necessary at times, however in emergency situations is it only necessary. First, determining if the situation is truly an emergency is a must. This is the hardest part.
If your situation is not an emergency, then symptoms could actually be a good thing. Remember that the intelligence of your body is more intelligent than you!
Of course the best course for anyone’s health is true prevention. It’s so simple, yet so difficult to do. Every choice you make either moves you closer to good health, or closer to a lower quality of life.
March is here. How are you doing on the goals, objectives, resolutions you set in January?
I use to get disappointed if I let myself slide, when I should have been following through with my goals. I remember that I use to set goals, and then it seemed like time would just fly by, later to notice that my goals were not met, because I did not do what I needed to do to accomplish those goals.
So there it was. A goal set, and not attained, once again. I was so sure of that goal when I set it, and now it seems very far away. i decided that there has to be a way to make sure that I am doing everything I need to do to accomplish that goal…if it truly was very important to me. There is where accountability came from.
A good friend of mine introduced me to accountability. One way that I stay accountable to my goals and objectives, is that I get others involved in the process.
-Name your goal. This is a great thing. This means that you have taken the time to dream, to really ponder about what you want in life.
-Now you write it down. Wonderful, now you are making you accountable to you.
-Tell a close friend. Excellent, now you are making you accountable to others.
I guarantee the next time that you see that friend, they will ask you, “Hey, how many days have you been off the smoking?” I know I do.
Here’s one more thing that being held accountable to a designated group of individuals:
It really made me step up my goals, and more importantly following through on them. I get more accomplished in less time, and I am happier doing it.
On a personal note:
One goal of mine for 2013 is to make a larger impact in our schools. So, I took a great step to getting this accomplished. I decided to run for a position on the school board in my town. A huge undertaking, and a lot of time invested, however it truly is something I want to do. So I made the step. It’s a huge motivation to not want to come up with a lot of lazy answers for my accountability group, on why I didn’t get involved.
It seems everyday there is some new berry discovered:
“Deep in the jungles of the Amazon, there was a tribe found that had perfect teeth, and an average age of 114. Dr. Soandso of Suchandsuch University has extensively studied the tribe to determine their source of unlimited health and life. Now, never before released to the public, is this drink, protein bar, powder, pill, lotion, salve, and chewing gum that contains the Amazon Berry!”
I know, so I am a tad dramatic at times. However, the truth is that the above situation is not too far from the truth. The situation I am referring to can be summed up like this: Those whom seek immediate health after years of neglect, do not want to experience pain, inconvenience, or sweat.
So, a quick pill to kill the pain (a habit practiced in the past), becomes no different than a berry from the Amazon to give me unlimited health and life to age 114.
I give you permission to jump off the bandwagon. True health comes from within. Follow the time tested truths of health:
-Limit or remove chemical stress
-Limit or remove physical stress
-Limit or remove emotional stress
-Limit or remove radiative stress
-Get adjusted by a chiropractor to remove the effects of the above stresses you could not remove.
Until next time,
With clear nerve channels,
Matthew M Mix, DC choose health now