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Early detection or prevention?

Prevention and early detection are 2 completely different things. While prevention seeks healthy habits prior to disease, early detection is geared to detect disease. So, when I saw this recent article, I wasn’t surprised: http://online.wsj.com/articles/some-cancer-experts-see-overdiagnosis-and-question-emphasis-on-early-detection-1410724838 

However, the content of the article did surprise me. What conventional medicine continues to miss is that fighting disease is the wrong paradigm to begin with:

“We’re not finding enough of the really lethal cancers, and we’re finding too many of the slow-moving ones that probably don’t need to be found,” says Laura Esserman, a breast-cancer surgeon at the University of California, San Francisco.

What Ms Esserman, and many other in her profession, fail to grasp is this: We do not need to “find more cancer” to destroy. What would be more beneficial to all involved would be to prevent the cancer in the first place.

Another point of this article that did not surprise me:

Small, localized prostate cancers are so ubiquitous in older men that the risk is roughly equal to a man’s age: a 70-year-old has a 70% chance of harboring the disease. Yet the average lifetime risk of dying of prostate cancer is less than 3% according to the American Cancer Society.

Just because you have cancer does not mean it will negatively impact your health. Your immune system is constantly taking care of cancerous cells throughout your body. Those with a healthy immune system (which means you practice preventative measures more often), have a much better chance of a healthy life, even with a cancer diagnosis!


There are many times that I am asked the following question, “When is it time to seek medical intervention?”  Some will tell you that everyone draws the line at a different place.  I guess you can look at it this way, however I see no reason anyone needs to draw the line any differently than anyone else…let me explain:

I ask myself the following questions, and based on the response determine if it is time to switch gears in healthcare for the patient, myself, my friends, or my family.  That is important, because to me it does not matter who it is, I act no differently for my family with regards to health, as I do my patients.

1-Is this person in distress?

2-Is this distress affecting basic survival mechanisms to not occur (to the point where life seems to be quite delicate), such as breathing, eating, or elimination? If yes, then time for medical intervention until able to heal naturally.

3-Is the nerve system (the master control system) of this individual working properly?  If no, then adjust it.

4-If they are eating and drinking, is it, and has it been, proper? If no, then change it.

5-Is there an external stress that needs to be addressed for this individual to move forward?  If so, then get rid of it.

In all situations of health disturbance, there is the tendency for someone to over react.  This is common, and it is usually based on emotions.  You have to take emotions out of the questions, and out of the situation in order to get the proper steps accomplished for the betterment of health.

For example, I know your mother died of cancer, and I realize you have a lump on your kidney.  However, the kidney is working properly, due to the tests that you performed, and the lump came back as non cancerous….so lets not take your organs out please!

Everyday, women are having their breasts removed because their parents had breast cancer.  The organs are there for a purpose.  Remove the emotions, go through the questions, and restore the proper order to health.