(512) 321–9200

Chiropractic is..

When the word, “Chiropractic” comes to mind, what do you think of?

So many think of the “pop” or “crack”.
Maybe some think of the adjustment. Meaning, they see it as more of a precision tuning, as our care is about being precise with the changes we make to an an individual’s nervous system.
However, we think different than all of these.
When you really understand what we do at Adjust, you will see that Chiropractic is so much more.
We think about all the work that goes into performing the adjustment. Not just the schooling, the studying, the measuring and the time, we think about the passion of what we do.
We hope that if you have ever been under the care of our clinic, you too understand that we are passionate about helping you live the life of your dreams, without limitation. We do this by not taking out job lightly.

This is serious business, because your health is your most important asset.

This is why we have taken the past few weeks to tighten up our delivery of care.
We have just reinvested in even better technology to serve you. After-all, it’s money well spent, because it will help you get the best results possible.
The technology is only helpful if it helps get you results, and so we will be monitoring it, as we do all of our upgrades.
If you are under care, or return to care shortly, during the next couple of months, you will see the scanning reports and graphs look different, this is because the upgrades enhance the depth of knowledge we are able to receive about your nervous system. There will be a different portal to retrieve your results, and the technology in the office will utilize I-pads, so we can be a little more mobile if need.
We look forward to continuing to serve you now more than ever.

Is Stress the Enemy?

Is Stress the Enemy?

Stress has been vilified for years as the cause of your health problems:

Do you have stress?

Is stress killing you?

Stress, the silent killer.

However, research shows that stress does not kill at all. In fact, stress can be good for you.

So, what then is it that causes us ill-health?

Inability to adapt to stress.

Of course, it would be a great idea to minimize unnecessary stress, however let’s place the blame for our health issues where they are deserved: on your lack of adaptation.

Adaptation happens in the nervous system. In fact, the nervous system houses the control mechanism for these actions of adaptation. Knowing this, It would make sense to keep that as healthy as possible.


Mark yourself safe.

Mark yourself safe.

I’ve seen a trend on Facebook in the last year that asks if you are safe. I assume, a way to check on friends that are in affected areas of significant events. It is unfortunate that this has become even a question, especially with the advances our society has made over the past 150 years: travel, electricity, phone, farming methods. The list is exhaustive, and yet we still have to “mark ourselves safe”. However, this isn’t a political blog, so I will get to my point.

I can appreciate knowing how everyone is doing in the event of a true crisis, however maybe we can make a “mark yourself healthy” option on social media.

Thank for a minute a little deeper.

Unhealthy habits negatively affect most Americans today. One way to measure this, for instance, is use of the Heart Rate Variability (HRV):

Research has shown that an increase from low to moderate HRV, decreases mortality by 400%.

Pretty significant, right?

Please do not misunderstand, I am not suggesting that we should not be concerned about terrorists, stabbings on campus or riots on Wall Street. I am suggesting, however, that we concern ourselves more with items we have direct control:  Your health.




The human body is the ultimate D.I.Y.

The correct amount of oxygen is given to the correct amount of blood cells in the exact place that is most efficient in the correct percentage necessary for life. Truly, we could go on and on about the intelligent actions within you…and it truly is doing it yourself.

In fact, you are your own pharmacy. Your body distributes the drugs to the right places, in the right fashion and at the right time….and it does this by itself.

So what is our job?

Don’t interfere, interrupt, disrupt or harness the ultimate DIY within you, your own personal innate intelligence.

4 Questions to Live By.

4 Questions to Live By.

1- Is your health really a priority?

2- If you “lost your health”, what would that mean?

It has often been said that if you wish to know an individual’s values, look at where they spend their time. We can all say, “God, family, health.” However, when push comes to shove, we stop at the convenience store for a cigarette. Maybe we scoff at the doctor when he wants $300/ month for preventative health services, and that same day we write that check for a new truck for $700/ month.

This may be a wake-up call for you, and if you need to wake-up, we are happy to help. However, it has to start with you. You have to make the decisions that are going to support a life that you can look at with pride. 

3- If you knew you left opportunity with loved ones on the table, would you be proud of that?

I’m in the boat with you!

This is what I think about on a regular basis:

4- How can I make the best impact for good, with this limited time we are here?