(512) 321–9200

A life well lived

How much time I have left in this world is irrelevant. I am more interested in quality as compared to quantity. In the business that I am in, I have seen those that live 85 years, and wish they had only lived 65. I have also seen the polar opposite. I have seen someone live 60 years, however you knew that those 60 years were lived wonderfully, and they had no regrets.
There are those that live their life full out, and those that play at half speed. I choose to play full out, and I extend an offer to you to do so as well. It’s a nice feeling to know that at the end of the day you can reflect on that day with a smile.
To know that you used every second of the day as good as you knew how. To know that your life, no matter how long, was used to it’s full extent. This is a life well lived.

Matthew M Mix, DC


Sometimes the truth can be an eye-opener. When the facts are presented to our health that are not what we expected (for the worse) we tend to react one of these ways:
1-denial- “This can’t be true. Sure, I see the exam results, however I feel great.”
2-minimize- “Doc., don’t others my age have this same problem. I am 65 now. I also am more active than any other man my age, so I’m bound to not be perfect in my assessment.”
3-shock- “What? OMG, this is amazing, I had no idea. Can you help?”

When presented with the cold hard facts on your current health status, which reaction type do you fit? Instead of having an emotional reaction, the correct question should be:
-Are the tests that were performed accurate, reliable, and reproduceable?
-Do I trust my Doctor to be an expert in his or her field?
-Do I value my health enough to do something about it?



Here is a cold hard fact for you:
If you are not doing anything to keep you and your families spine and nerve system healthy with Chiropractic care, then the condition of your families spine and nerve system is not healthy.

Laws of nature tell us that entropy is and undeniable force. We will breakdown overtime if we don’t become proactive to slow that process down. In fact, not only can we slow the process down, we can reverse the damages of a long standing spinal issue, if we catch it early enough.

So, what’s the answer to keeping your family’s master control system of their body healthy?
There can only be one answer- maintain proper position with regular chiropractic check-ups from birth. This is why it is my mission to get every child checked by a Chiropractor by 5 years of age. The earlier the better, as entropy is undeniable.




We need food within 40 days.
We need water within 4 days.
We need air within 4 minutes.
We need a nerve system every second of our lives.

I prefer my food organic, free of chemicals.
I prefer my water pure, free of contaminates.
I prefer my air clean, free of pollutants.
I prefer my nerve system clear, free of interference.

We chiros keep your nerve system clear, it’s just that simple.

define sick

What is sick?

I once had a patient enter my office, and proceed to tell me that he was the healthiest person he knew. The only reason he was here, in my office, was because his wife was determined to find something wrong!

Can you imagine? Never being sick, never a cold, a fever, a vomit, or diarrhea? Unbelievable, in my mind, however I was new in practice at the time, so I believed him…or at least the part about him being the healthiest person on the planet.

So I decided to put him through some simple chiropractic tests, to check the functioning of his nerve system. I was honestly expecting to see a perfect exam. I received nothing of the sort. After completing my tests, I showed him the results. He couldn’t believe that there was anything wrong…however agreed that his nerve system may need some “tuning”.

Here is where things got interesting. He said thanks, went home, and I didn’t hear from him for a week. One week later, I see him out in the community. He proceeds to explain to me what “being sick is all about”. You see, that first night after the adjustment, he had a fever for the first time in his life. The next day he had diarrhea, proceeded by vomiting and the cold sweats.

So, did my adjustment to his nerve system make him sick? Or did the adjustment allow his body to clean itself out in a way that it was never able to do so in the past?

It is absolutely normal to have symptoms of fever, vomiting, coughing, or diarrhea. Simply, this gets the junk out. So if this is the case, then being sick is not really a bad thing. Guess it just depends on what your definition of sick is. Here’s one to ponder:

sick: A state of health in which your body is not able to adapt in a reasonable manner.

A reasonable manner to me brings up the subject of timing. How long are you experiencing these symptoms? Our bodies should be able to “clean out the junk” within 72 hours. Of course every virus, or bacteria is different, and some needing a larger response by your body. However, from what I have seen by patients in my office, 72 hours is long enough for the intelligent processes of your self cleaning body.

Matthew M Mix, DC

Potential limited

How healthy can one be?

This is a question that you answer for yourself constantly, without even knowing. You answer this when:
-you settle for a cough that lasts 2 weeks.
-you can’t turn your head to the right when trying to back out the parking spot, so you just resort to your mirrors, and or backup cameras.
-you noticed your pants are a little tighter than they use to be, and you blame it on the fabric shrinking….then you notice it is also happening to that other pair of pants, and you don’t do anything about it.
-you can’t even think of running a mile, when you use to do 5 miles like it was no big deal.

So, have you given into the the lower levels of health, choking it up to, “Guess I’m getting older.”? Don’t give up on your potential for higher levels of health. Just because your friends are getting slower, doesn’t mean that it is natural or normal to do so.

Matthew M Mix, DC