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It doesn’t matter what you think.

The law of life works even though the educated man knows nothing of that law. -BJ Palmer, DC

bj smiles

BJ Palmer, DC

This quote is a very broad statement, however I cannot think of a situation in which this does not hold true. No matter how much a person knows or does know know, the laws of life continue to work. What BJ was referring to in this quote was specifically the laws that cause man to live  and thrive.

He believed, and was correct, that there are laws that govern the inner workings of the human body. We could try to understand them, however even if we are not able to understand these laws completely, they still work.

Furthermore, and more importantly I will say this:

Man’s knowledge of the laws of life can and should help us understand how to live a reasonably healthy existence. -Matthew Mix, DC


Who are YOU?

He who trims himself to suit everyone will soon whittle himself away.

-Raymond Hull

What I think Raymond is talking about is being authentic. Authenticity, not in the manner of telling someone how you feel in an attempt to upset them. No, I believe Raymond is talking about being uniquely you.baby hand

You see, YOU are the only you like you. Without you, there would be no you. There is no replacement for you. In fact, when looking at just the visible you, there is no comparison. And that is just what we see.

The world wants to know what you think. This is how we, as a society, progress. What you think, and I think are not 100% the same. That is because our thoughts are uniquely different as well.

Of course, when thinking about that uniqueness, I would be a fool to not mention the unique nature your innate intelligence(II) has for you, than it does for me. Your II is responsible for keeping you adapting to the crazy world in which you reside.

II has a lot of work to do, and it isn’t done yet. How about for this December, we all focus on what makes us uniquely different, and fully express that trait in 2016.

Visit us to learn more about full life expression.

death, defined.

How do you measure death?

This may be a subject you are not use to thinking about, and neither am I. Usually my blog posts are about life, health and full human potential. However, in order to fully appreciate life, it is important to understand death.

In the past, death was determined by breath. If someone was no longer breathing, then they were considered dead. Of course, their were stories that people had a string tied to a bell outside of the grave so that if the individual “came to”, then someone would come to the rescue. I guess every now and then, someone was actually buried alive.

Later on, it was deemed necessary to listen to the heart. If the heartbeat could not be heard, then that person was deemed “expired”. Makes sense, however what if you had someone with a very faint heartbeat. That mixed with someone hard of hearing, and you would need that bell!

Today, it is widely accepted that death means no nerve system function. Why does this make sense? Your nerve system is the master control for your entire body. Without a nerve system, life is impossible, and ringing that bell at your graveside would prove to be impossible too!

Knowing this, wouldn’t make sense to keep your nerve system healthy? Of course it would, and many do everyday. You can function without a perfectly clear nerve system, however you can’t function well. This is why chiropractors strive to keep your nerve system without interference throughout your entire life.

Learn more at adjust!



We are told that we have free will in the United States. Of course, if your free will imposes on my free will, then we have a problem. However, for the most part, we do have choices that we are free to make. Your health choices are no different.

You can choose to be healthy. Today, at this very moment, right now, you can choose to be healthy. When you make this choice however, there is a consequence. You must then actively choose healthier choices.

You see, its your choices that tell me, and you, whether you are actually choosing to be healthy.

If I gave you the choice of a nerve system that is free of interference, or one that is interfered with, I think it pretty obvious which one you would choose. This should be your first choice when choosing to be healthy.


The type of paradigms I would like to discuss are health paradigms. It is the term that can be attributed to your general view of your and likely your family’s healthcare. Your health paradigm can be determined by the decisions that you make. For instance, if you choose to eat organic produce, exercise 3 times a week, got to a chiropractor whether in pain or not, and avoid smoking then I get a good idea of what your health paradigm is: “prevention is key”. However, if your grocery basket is filled with Cheetos, your idea of exercise is taking out the trash, and you visit your chiropractor when your “back goes out”, I assume your health paradigm is: “symptoms-based” or “sick-care”.

Maybe it is time to take inventory of our own health paradigm.

If our choices are lack-luster, maybe it is time to re-focus on what health paradigms we have been operating from. If your health paradigm is one of wellness, prevention, limitless potential, then great job! If not, let’s tighten up our underlying paradigm, and see that the choices we make come a little more on purpose, versus reactionary.

Check out our website for more information.

Entropy (part 2)

IMG_1634If you have not read “Entropy”, read it here, first.

Remember, we said, “Entropy can be described as a process in which order turns to dis-order over a period of time.”

So, if entropy is the process that results in dis-order, we posed the question, of how the human body actually is able to defy this process. For example, a baby born. From disorder, actually comes order! So, it could be said that “life” itself defies the process of entropy. The same could be said for healing as well.

So here is your answer: Innate Intelligence.

Chiropractors call the healing, entropy-defying, overall superstar of your body, “innate intelligence”. (You can read our past blog on innate intelligence here.)

In a nutshell, your innate intelligence is the conductor for your orchestra.

Everyone needs an innate intelligence, it is necessary that it works without interruption, if you are to reach your purpose in life. Without an innate intelligence, you would simply be parts!

Let me know what you think, please comment, or visit us at Adjust.