by Dr. Matthew | Sep 15, 2014 | Chiropractic Care
Prevention and early detection are 2 completely different things. While prevention seeks healthy habits prior to disease, early detection is geared to detect disease. So, when I saw this recent article, I wasn’t surprised:
However, the content of the article did surprise me. What conventional medicine continues to miss is that fighting disease is the wrong paradigm to begin with:
“We’re not finding enough of the really lethal cancers, and we’re finding too many of the slow-moving ones that probably don’t need to be found,” says Laura Esserman, a breast-cancer surgeon at the University of California, San Francisco.
What Ms Esserman, and many other in her profession, fail to grasp is this: We do not need to “find more cancer” to destroy. What would be more beneficial to all involved would be to prevent the cancer in the first place.
Another point of this article that did not surprise me:
Small, localized prostate cancers are so ubiquitous in older men that the risk is roughly equal to a man’s age: a 70-year-old has a 70% chance of harboring the disease. Yet the average lifetime risk of dying of prostate cancer is less than 3% according to the American Cancer Society.
Just because you have cancer does not mean it will negatively impact your health. Your immune system is constantly taking care of cancerous cells throughout your body. Those with a healthy immune system (which means you practice preventative measures more often), have a much better chance of a healthy life, even with a cancer diagnosis!
by Dr. Matthew | Sep 10, 2014 | Chiropractic Care
In the business world, I have always tried to hold to the standard, “without statistics, our emotions rule”. This is true in personal life as well. Let’s give a couple of examples of improper analysis of health.
1- You base your health on what you look like. No doubt, there is some truth that someones appearance can be a tell for their health. I am sure we have all had people ask if we were feeling ok, based on our physical appearance. However, if this is your main means of objectively checking your health state, then you will be sorely disappointed later in life.
**Alternatively, use objective means to check your health state. Most importantly, check the master control system of your entire body, your nerve system.
2- You determine your condition by your symptoms. Unless you are a doctor, you should not be performing diagnosis measures on yourself, or your family. Web MD, and other symptom checkers on the internet, are there simply to refer you to a doctor. It is amazing what people will miss regarding their health, because the symptoms did not match up with the diagnosis they felt compelled to perform.
**Instead, try not judging your health on symptoms at all. Use measurement tools by qualified doctors that will analyze you without symptom, or name calling diseases. Truly finding health limitations before the named disease or health condition presents itself is a true expression of health management.
Once you move out of your parents’ house, your health is your responsibility. Become the responsible steward of your health, by analyzing your health with statistics, and making corrections along the way based on responsible data.
by Dr. Matthew | Jul 23, 2014 | Chiropractic Care
Not that long ago there was a man that had suffered deafness. His name was Harvey Lillard. Harvey was a janitor at the local school, where he met a man named DD Palmer. DD Palmer spoke with Harvey about his health condition, and convinced Harvey to receive his first chiropractic adjustment.
It is important to note that this is the first chiropractic adjustment known to man. This adjustment was a specific type of adjusting for the sole purpose of moving a specific part of the spine back into alignment. The area which was adjusted is unclear, however there is no denying that chiropractic has it’s roots in the restoration of hearing. This comes as a surprise to almost every patient.
We have been taught to believe that for every symptom, we must treat that symptom. We have been taught to remove, relieve, or heal a symptom is the way to better health. This philosophy is in-congruent with chiropractic’s philosophy. Had DD Palmer been thinking “within the box”, Harvey would still be deaf, Ronald Reagan would have not had his radio gig from DD Palmer’s son (BJ Palmer), and I would have never met my wife in chiropractic school. The chain of events that occurred on that day of hearing restoration have been momentous for those that have sought out chiropractic care.
Yet, with the many “miracles” we see on a daily affair in chiropractic, there are many more that are never seen because of the unknowing principles of how life works. There is one main principle, fact of life that chiropractic works on. This principle is the foundation of all that is performed.
The human body has an unfathomable ability to thrive, heal, and live life. Chiropractors call this innate intelligence. It is the power within you that keeps you alive and moving. Your body’s ability to heal often needs no help….just no interference.
You understand this principle, you understand chiropractic, and why we get the results that we do.
by Dr. Matthew | Apr 24, 2014 | Chiropractic Care
The alarm sounds, and your first choice for the day is directly in front of you. It is a relatively easy choice: push snooze, or get up.
My alarm clock is set, by me, the night before. The intention is good: I will wake at a specific time, to get specific things done, to reach my specific goal. However, when the time comes to wake, and actually take action, what does the average person do?
Every morning we are given the chance to fulfill our obligations that we made to ourselves, or continue down the easy path of mediocrity. Sounds harsh? Maybe. However, the person that has mediocre health, makes mediocre decisions.
What decisions can you make tomorrow morning, if you do not push the snooze button?
by Dr. Matthew | Mar 31, 2014 | Chiropractic Care
You live your life through your nervous system. Every action you take requires the presence of a nervous system. Whether that action is running, seeing, loving, or hitting…it is all completely under control of the master control mechanisms in your body, which require direct control of the nervous system.
This is the system we chiropractors work with on a daily basis. It makes no sense whatsoever for someone to completely neglect this system until a symptom is present. It is so delicate, it is so important, that infants should be checked immediately at birth. This is how life started out for my son, and this is how life should start out for mankind…with a fully functioning nervous system, free from any interruption whatsoever.
Keep it clear, and experience the well adjusted life.
by Dr. Matthew | Feb 25, 2014 | Chiropractic Care
When asked, “What can chiropractic do for me?”, the best answer I can possibly give is, EXPERIENCE.
Understanding chiropractic’s affects, you must understand the definition of a subluxation. A subluxation is what chiropractors correct. It is that thing that interferes with your ability to perform the way you were designed to perform. Removing a subluxation is like:
- upgrading from a Pento to a Lamborghini. (With a Pento, you can still get to the grocery, however your experience is completely affected)
- putting on glasses for the first time. (I had no idea at 15 years old I needed glasses. Seeing the leaves in trees for the first time is an experience I’ll never forget.)
- Franzia to Padrone. (A friend introduced me to better wine. What a difference a better wine makes on the taste buds)
- your first real kiss. (No explanation needed.)
- your first pair of real running shoes. (not the ones you can buy on sale at Beall’s, the kind that a running store picks for you based on your gait pattern.)
- upgrading your food from McDonald’s. (a steak, properly cooked has no equal, IMHO)
Truth is, as much as I try to explain what the chiropractic experience is like, I will never do it justice. It’s a NECESSITY that your nerve system be under care of a chiropractor. It simply isn’t an option, it is a necessity in order to perform at the level that life demands. Without a healthy nerve system, you simply cannot experience the life you were meant to experience.