(512) 321–9200


Who you hang out with has an undeniable effect on what you morph into.  We are constantly changing.  By this I mean in all aspects.  You are not the person that you were at the beginning of this blog.  Physically you have already had cells die, and others born to take their place.  As you read this blog, your brain is forming new connections, as you start to change the way that you think.  You are also possibly recalling past memories to draw similarities to what I am discussing with you right now.  Chemically, you are different because your body is acting like a huge pharmacy, constantly releasing and absorbing “drugs” into your body at the right place and time.

So, if we are constantly in a state of flux, then we can determine who we want to change into, by surrounding ourselves with the things that will bring about the person we want to become.  One of thees is hanging out with people who add to your life the positive things you wish to attract yourself.  This is not an easy thing to do.  Many times we tend to hang out with people who are exactly like us.  The problem with that, is that there is no growth that can occur.  Of course, that scenario would be better than hanging out with someone who has bad habits, and therefore has the potential to bring us down!

So, I guess you have to decide whether you would like to stay the same, grow, or regress.

If you have been following this blog for at least a week, I think you know where I stand.  I hang out with people who challenge me, whether that means mentally, spiritually, or physically.  I hang out with healthy, happy, and intelligent individuals.  I surround myself with those that share my understanding that health comes from within.  With that understanding, only great conversations can occur.

Matthew M Mix, DC


Have you ever bought a new vehicle, and then all of a sudden it seems like everyone else in your town is starting to drive the same thing?  Maybe you here a song that you have never heard before, and all of a sudden it is all you can do to not hear it…maybe you hear it 10 times a day!  What is really happening here?  Are you REALLY attracting these things into your life?

I’m going to say, “no”.  Those things have always been there.  Your brain can not process everything that is going on at every second of the day in your environment, to the degree of specificity that would allow you to see that car, or hear that song is not being brought to your awareness.  Your brain actually will “zone out” to save a little room for your thoughts, or on what you are focusing.

So, here is the question I pose to you today: “What do I place my focus?”  What we focus our attention to is extremely important.  Maybe these things have always been there, you just don’t “see” them.  Here are a couple of suggestions.

Focus on:

Health vs sickness

Wellness vs disease

Full expression of life vs limitations

Also, don’t forget to vote for the Best of Bastrop Chiropractor:  http://statesman.upickem.net/engine/YourSubmission.aspx?contestid=62475

Matthew M Mix, DC

Wearing many hats

It’s amazing to me how many people on social media use it to push their multi-level marketing products.  The people I am talking about are ones that already have another job, that should require quite a bit of attention.  There are plenty of examples of this, however to put it an easy-to-understand observation, let me explain my concern.

I would never utilize a…

Dentist that also sells weight loss products,

Podiatrist that sells Viagra,

Optometrist that sells hair gel,

Plumber that sells nutritional supplements,

Realtor that sells furniture,

_____(insert your profession here)_____, that sells_____(insert a non-similar product or service here)____.

I have no problem if you have multiple businesses, I think it is great that people choose to work for a living, and some of them work quite a lot.  Usually, however these individuals are unsuccessful at their primary job, so they move their attention away from it, and towards something else.  Instead, maybe the course of action should be to:

Find your passion, then learn how to make it your life’s work.

I’ll tell you mine…  I am passionate about Chiropractic.  I have experienced the results for myself personally, and I have seen Chiropractic literally change lives.  It is therefore my life’s mission to help so many people through Chiropractic care, that I put Bastrop on the map as the healthiest community in Texas.

Learn more: www.adjustchiro.com


I have a 2-year-old son that likes to constantly talk.  You really have to be careful what you say around the house.  I was watching the Yankees play the Red Sox this weekend, and as usual, I like to get “involved” in the game.  The new word my son picked up on was: “terrible”.  The rest of the afternoon he was trying to figure out the true definition of the word.  You could hear him using it in sentences, and then looking to my wife and I for approval.   When we disagreed with what he thought was “terrible”, he would move on to another context of the word.  It took him about 5 different tries, and a couple of minutes until he had nailed it.  He was then able to call out “terrible” after every missed Yankee opportunity, the climax being when Derek Jeter missed a easy pop-fly!

It amazes me watching the little guy think.  Then I realized this:

We, as human beings, are born with an inborn need to figure stuff out.  We want to understand.

This need is built into our beings.  I call it our Innate craving.  We all crave the same basic things in life.  The strongest of these is the Innate crave to survive.  Luckily for you, your Innate Intelligence is very good at helping you survive.

And also luckily for you, Chiropractic’s sole purpose is to free up your Innate Intelligence, so that your Innate can do its job!

On Empty

You see it all the time…someone on the side of the road, with a gas can walking away from their car.  It’s obvious what happened, yet inevitably it will happen to all of us.  Sometimes the obvious things are the ones that are missed the most.  We get “caught up” in whatever we need to do, and we push it just a little bit further.

Health care is no different.  We realize what the right decision may be, yet we tend to push it just a little longer.  It’s a lot easier to pull over at a gas station, than it is to walk to one 2 miles away.

Matthew M Mix, DC

By the way, don’t forget to vote for your Best of Bastrop Chiropractor: http://statesman.upickem.net/engine/YourSubmission.aspx?contestid=62475


I had to stop at the convenience store on the way to work recently.  Just like usual, I end up going for $1 can of soup, and here I am picking up 4-5 things.  Of course, I never expect this to happen, so as I had entered the store, I decided, “no need for a basket, I’ve got this.”  To my astonishment, now I am dropping stuff all the way to the car.  So, to lighten my load, I put my poorly chosen lottery ticket on the edge of my roof, and load all the other items into the vehicle.  You can see where this is going right?

So, I hit the green light and proceed to accelerate down the highway…and what happens next?  I see something in my rearview mirror fly into the air.  I catch just a small glimpse, and yes, to my surprise, there goes the lottery ticket.  I thought for a split second, “What’s the chance I’ll win anyway?”  Of course, I turn around immediately, go back and get the ticket, and feel much relief that I at least have a chance of winning 49 million dollars.

Our health choices can be very similar to this scenario.  You look at the time, and you think, “I’m already a little late to the Chiropractic appointment…will this one missed appointment really mean that much?”

YES!  If you don’t play, you can not and will not win.  You have to make the healthy choices, not because you are fearful of losing, but because the more frequent your health choices are, the better CHANCE you will reach that health goal you have for yourself.  After all, you only live once, you might as well make the quality of this lifetime something to write home about!

Matthew M Mix, DC