by Dr. Matthew | Jul 5, 2012 | Chiropractic Care
Life is marathon, not a sprint.
I see this understanding among people that get great results while under chiropractic care. It’s the understanding that symptoms will come and go, however as long as we do the right things, we will get the right results. These are the people that get the best results, and the results stick.
They are not worried about the ups and downs of what they feel. They understand the principle of health and healing, and they are not afraid of the little bumps along the way.
The principle of health and healing is this:
All healing happens by way of an Innate Intelligence that is in you. There is an intelligence within you that is responsible for keeping you healthy, and healing you when necessary. There is no human being that could ever know what your innate intelligence knows. Chiropractors simply remove the interference from this inner intelligence, thus allowing it to work without interference. When this happens, your Innate Intelligence is able to do it’s job, without interference.
Then and only then can you heal.
by Dr. Matthew | Jul 4, 2012 | Chiropractic Care
That is what I do all day long….slip and check.
Slipping: This is what we do over and over again that brings poor results. Example: we pick the wrong meal to eat, and add unwanted calories and chemicals to our bodies. We sit incorrectly at the desk, which causes strain to the weaker areas of our body.
Check: This is what most people forget to do, or are plain too lazy to do! True, it requires work to check yourself, however the payoff is huge. You know you made a mistake, now what do you plan on doing about it?
If you have the knowledge, then you have the responsibility to do the right thing.
Slipping happens all the time, however are you checking yourself, to create a better, healthier result? If you like this idea, I suggest you look into the idea of Slipping and Checking in the “The Triune of Life “, by BJ Palmer. He references it to a golfer…constantly working on his swing to produce the flight of the ball that he would like. Even the best of the best golfer does this constantly, to produce a consistent, beautiful swing that gets the result he desires.
To all of my American readers, have a great Fourth of July. You will slip, just don’t forget to check.
by Dr. Matthew | Jul 3, 2012 | Chiropractic Care
How bad do you want to be healthy?
Do you think about it when deciding what you will eat this week?
Do you think about it enough to schedule your exercise?
Do you think about it to research healthy living websites?
Do you think about it when you think about what your kids will become?
A healthy lifestyle doesn’t just happen. It takes time, it takes commitment, and it takes energy. You can have the life that you want, however it will never be easy. It will take work, and it will not get easier as time goes on. Being healthy is a commitment to a life that you dream of, and a letting go of the life that you have.
by Dr. Matthew | Jul 2, 2012 | Chiropractic Care
The US Olympic trials have now been broadcasting all over television. No matter what sport you are watching, you see the same committed, focused, muscular bodies working toward their goal…the chance to win a medal. It makes one think, “What’s my one big goal?”.
That question had to come into everyone of these athletes competing. It all started with that question. Ultimately, the answer had to be, “to win a medal”. The details to get there were then set in motion.
So I ask you, what is your big goal? If you had to pick just one big goal, what would it be? If you really wanted this big goal, what would you need to do to make sure you could reach this goal? What would you eliminate/sacrifice to get that goal?
If the sacrifice isn’t worth the goal, then your goal isn’t big enough to you.
by Dr. Matthew | Jun 28, 2012 | Chiropractic Care
I really enjoy exercise. Not too many people can say that. Exercise to most people is a chore, something they have to do to lose weight, or fit in that outfit they bought for the wedding next month. So, because it is a chore, then that means they feel like they have to reward themselves. I see this all the time at the gym I go to, however also in my practice. Everyone wants the REWARD.
Just last week I observed someone workout for about 15 minutes, and then proceed to leave the gym, proceeding straight to the fast food restaurant right across the parking lot. I guess this was their “reward” for showing up. The obvious problem with this behavior is that the food they are consuming post workout is absolutely going to negate any of the work that they just performed. The not so obvious problem, is that this creates a habit, a bad habit that is set in stone by the satisfaction of the greasy reward, and feeling of fullness.
Habits need to be kept in check at all times if you are to take your health to the next level. My suggestion to this individual would be the following: Re-define what your reward will be for working out. Obviously the feeling of doing something good for yourself is not satisfying enough, so find something else for now. A different, healthier reward system such as: Workout 10 days in a row and get a manicure right after the 10th workout. Maybe just taking a drive to your favorite spot in the park, just to sit there and watch the river flow. A little time alone to think. You might just come up with something worthwhile…like a better reward of your own!
Here’s my reward to you for making it a habit of checking out my blog:
No-cost monthly newsletter. Click on: This will also keep you abreast of any workshops that we have, or speaking engagements in the community. Of course you can always opt-out at any time. These newsletters are researched, and full of very helpful information so that you can make all of your health choices with as much information possible.
Check your habits, and see your health take on a new dimension!
Matthew M Mix, DC
by Dr. Matthew | Jun 27, 2012 | Chiropractic Care
“I want it, and I want it now!”
-Varuca Salt in “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory”
It’s not surprising to see a child wanting immediate gratification. I remember Varuca yelling at her parents and anyone else that would listen. At that very point when Varuca is pronounced a “bad egg”, I have to admit….there was a little smile that came across my face. Who want’s to listen to a spoiled little girl, constantly talking about HER wants?
Let’s face it, we all have a little Varuca deep down inside (some of us less deep down inside than others). We all have wants, and self-imposed limitations to timing of these wants. It’s great to want…however do what is necessary to get what you want. You want to feel better, have more energy, lose weight? Set the goal, set the time limit, and do the actions it takes to get that goal.
Whatever your health goal, it all starts with a healthy nerve system. With a healthy spine and nerve system, you will hit all your goals faster, with better results along the way.
Matthew M Mix, DC