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Healthcare in America

Healthcare in America

The discussion of healthcare continues in the headlines in the US on a daily basis. Not only were healthcare discussions a likely reason for many voters to participate in the the recent election of President Trump, healthcare costs continue to rise at an alarming rate. Truth is, no matter who you voted for in the election, everyone can agree that healthcare costs are out of control. Something needs to change, but what?

Here’s an idea:

Healthcare needs to take a big step into preventative care. Not only is it ethically correct, it is good for our nation as a whole. Do not get confused, I am not talking about early detection. Preventative measures means true prevention. It means taking healthy steps BEFORE any signs of ill-health. Prevention doesn’t look for disease and ill-health, it helps you avoid these things, by focusing on steps that do not interfere with an already healthy body.

Some examples of prevention for healthcare:

  • Eating organic, healthy foods.
  • Drinking clean, natural water.
  • Exercise for health.
  • Chiropractic care to remove subluxations to the nerve system.
  • Massage to relax the muscles and mind.
  • Meditation techniques.
  • Healthy, natural sleep.

If healthcare truly wants to change in order to offer a high quality of life to those within our nation, we NEED to support the things that actually have shown to improve our quality of life.

Prevention is cheaper than cure.



Somebody once told me the definition of hell: “On your last day on earth, the person you became will meet the person you could have become.” — Anonymous

A common theme among our patients is found in the above quote. We value health for ourselves and our families.

We detest the thought of not living up to our unique potential. In fact, we cringe at the notion that untapped potential lies with us.

We know that health is necessary for becoming the person we choose to become. Do you resonate with this vision?



Ever heard this:

You can never have too much of a good thing.

Of course there are always exceptions to rules that have words in them like, “never”. However, I would definitely say this is true for a proper chiropractic adjustment. I decided to briefly write about this today because I have heard patients say:

I don’t want to get over-adjusted.

Well, that is impossible, if you are a patient in our office. Here’s how it works in 3 simple steps:

  1. We look for a subluxation in your spine. This is where the nerve system is altered due to the position of the spine.
  2. If the subluxation is present, we adjust it.
  3. If the subluxation is not found, you do not get adjusted and we change your frequency of care.

The goal of our office is for you to be clear. Clear of subluxation, of course. Once you are clear, we keep you clear for as long as possible. The longer you hold the precise adjustment we administer in our office, the longer your nerve system is able to work at 100%. Given enough time with a clear nerve system, you will heal and be restored to health.

So, don’t worry about being over-adjusted at Adjust. We check every single visit for subluxation.


sexy danger

Telling someone that they have 40 years of deterioration in their spine and nerve system isn’t sexy. What’s sexy is telling that same person that there is something they can feel 18 again in 7 days after taking this remedy, and right now it is on sale!

Of course we all want to believe the sexy statements. We want to believe that there is a quick fix to a long-standing issue. We want to see dramatic changes that lead to fast and amazing results that stick forever. However, if we want real change that lasts we have to be ready to have patience.

Perhaps more importantly, believing the sexy talk can be very dangerous to our health. All  (yes, all) medicines, diet pills and salves have side-effects. Some more than others, so be safe in what you put into your body.

If it sounds too good to be true, it is. Do not believe the hype:

  • A quick fix is most likely not “fixing” anything. Most likely, you are being distracted while the issue persists.
  • If there is deterioration that is present, it took time to get that way so it will take time to correct the issue, if correction can happen.
  • Patience and follow through always wins the race.


A valuable life

We want our community to live a life that is valuable.

A life that is worthy of praise.

A life that is well lived.

It may be dirty at times, there may be ups and downs, however let there be no limitations due to a poor and neglected health.

A life with little or no regret is what we shoot for. It is our goal, it is our calling.

A life of high value has no room for poor health. If we are to live lives that have drank from the entire pitcher of all that life has to give, then we must understand that our health is our most valuable asset.

Health is an asset that must not be neglected no matter what cost. If we are healthy and if we are truly living a life without limits, then we are fulfilling our highest purpose. Living healthy comes first.