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Why expect more?

Why expect more?

Why do we expect more out of your health?

We have seen some pretty great transformations in some pretty train-wrecked people, thats why.

Imagine if you had a crew show up to build your home. This crew had some of the best foundation workers, concrete preparers, sheetrock guys, and roofers. They showed up with not only the fastest crew, but a crew that could make the most precise cuts for your tile work. Not only did the best crew sho, but this crew showed up with all the tools for the job. The shovels, hammers, levels and even the power tools. The crew was really on the ball. But, there was just one problem: Everyone showed up but one guy, the guy with the plans.

What happened?

Unfortunately, even the best crew with the best tools cannot build the simplest home without the instructions.

Your nerve system communicates the instructions. If you have all the pieces (organs, glands, and tissues), yet you have poor communications of the work to be done then the outcome will be less than desirable. This is where chiropractic comes in.


Isn’t that normal?

Often, a 35-50 year old individual, whom initially enters my office, believes that it is normal to feel fatigue midday. They chalk it up to kids, age, stress at work, spousal issues, etc. No doubt, there will always be times when stress will get us down.

However, regular fatigue by 2pm is not normal at all. Fatigue is the body’s way of trying to get you to slow down. Honestly, most of us in our current work environments are not really working as hard as we use to 500 years ago. If you are hunting for 6 hours, walking and running great distances to catch your food, a midday nap is acceptable. However, if your workday consists of simple chores around the house, some computer work, checking emails, and running a couple of errands, then you should have plenty of energy left for the afternoon.

This message you are receiving from your body is this: you are not recovering properly. I have found these are the 3 most likely reasons:

  1. Your immune system is working too hard.
  2. Your adrenal glands are overworked (often noticed by poor quality sleep).
  3. Your digestion is not properly assimilating the nutrients as it should.

So what to do? Do we take more vitamins, drink more coffee, step it up to a Monster Energy? Um….no. For long-term, positively-affecting-health changes try this:

  1. Work on your ability to adapt. This is what it means to not recover properly. I talk about this on YouTube. Check it out here.
  2. Take time to consider the power of your innate intelligence. 
  3. Get adjusted. Your ability to handle stress properly is directly proportional to the health of your spine and nerve system. Find a chiropractor that measures your nerve system, utilizes pure chiropractic techniques and has an understanding of your health goals.

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Wake up calls.

More often than not, those making extremely healthy decisions are the ones that had some type of wake up call:

  • Diagnosed with some sort of cancer.
  • Realized he couldn’t play 10 minutes of basketball with his son.
  • She noticed that her blood pressure was higher than usual the last 2 times she stopped by the monitor at the local pharmacy.
  • He realized that the list of foods that he could consume was getting smaller and smaller, so thought he would go to the doctor to see what was going on.

The list goes on and on. What I wonder is this:

Can you make healthy decisions without a wake up call?

The results of living a healthy life prior to a wake up call are much more fruitful than waiting till the bottom drops out to plug the hole. I have 4 simple steps that will help you delay or never receive that wake up call:

  1. Get you spine adjusted if there is a subluxation, because subluxations are detrimental to health.
  2. Eat better food, because it’s better to supply your body with energy it can use.
  3. Exercise because movement is what your body was made for.
  4. Think, because a mind was meant to be used, not spoon fed.

So, I really messed up.

Young Woman Meditating on the Floor

I forgot to take my vitamins this morning. I just was in too big of a hurry, and didn’t remember to take them. I did remember, however to do my stretches, but I didn’t actually DO my stretches. I know I am suppose to stretch in the morning, my massage therapist once told me, “What is the first thing your dog does in the morning? They stretch, and so should you.”

Now I am at work, and I am suppose to meditate in the morning. Well,  I arrived here too late, and it’s Monday…so, there are a lot of emails to catch up on. So, I skipped out on the morning meditation. I know, I feel bad about it…I really should stay in check.

At lunch I planned to workout, maybe I will skip and grab some BBQ instead. What is one meal gonna hurt?

Then I realize, to my relief: Although many decisions I make every single day may not support a healthy body, I am pretty darn healthy despite this.

Does it mean that these actions actually are not healthy for me? Of course not. We know what is healthy and what is not, however we also know that our bodies have an amazing ability to adapt to stress. This is what my innate intelligence can and does do when it is able to function without interference.

I may not meditate every single day, or even stretch all the time, and sometimes I eat unhealthy, or have an alcoholic drink. I will not ever skip on my chiropractic care. Chiropractic adjustments allow my natural, inborn adaptability (via my innate intelligence) to work at its peak, even when I stress it with poor decisions.

Keep this part of me working, and I don’t have to stress the small stuff, and neither will you!





My blogs often consist of ways to improve ourselves. I feel, however, that I have possibly missed out on celebrating successes as well. Take the time in life to celebrate, after all life is rather quick.

Adjust turns 9!