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death, defined.

How do you measure death?

This may be a subject you are not use to thinking about, and neither am I. Usually my blog posts are about life, health and full human potential. However, in order to fully appreciate life, it is important to understand death.

In the past, death was determined by breath. If someone was no longer breathing, then they were considered dead. Of course, their were stories that people had a string tied to a bell outside of the grave so that if the individual “came to”, then someone would come to the rescue. I guess every now and then, someone was actually buried alive.

Later on, it was deemed necessary to listen to the heart. If the heartbeat could not be heard, then that person was deemed “expired”. Makes sense, however what if you had someone with a very faint heartbeat. That mixed with someone hard of hearing, and you would need that bell!

Today, it is widely accepted that death means no nerve system function. Why does this make sense? Your nerve system is the master control for your entire body. Without a nerve system, life is impossible, and ringing that bell at your graveside would prove to be impossible too!

Knowing this, wouldn’t make sense to keep your nerve system healthy? Of course it would, and many do everyday. You can function without a perfectly clear nerve system, however you can’t function well. This is why chiropractors strive to keep your nerve system without interference throughout your entire life.

Learn more at adjust!



We are told that we have free will in the United States. Of course, if your free will imposes on my free will, then we have a problem. However, for the most part, we do have choices that we are free to make. Your health choices are no different.

You can choose to be healthy. Today, at this very moment, right now, you can choose to be healthy. When you make this choice however, there is a consequence. You must then actively choose healthier choices.

You see, its your choices that tell me, and you, whether you are actually choosing to be healthy.

If I gave you the choice of a nerve system that is free of interference, or one that is interfered with, I think it pretty obvious which one you would choose. This should be your first choice when choosing to be healthy.


The type of paradigms I would like to discuss are health paradigms. It is the term that can be attributed to your general view of your and likely your family’s healthcare. Your health paradigm can be determined by the decisions that you make. For instance, if you choose to eat organic produce, exercise 3 times a week, got to a chiropractor whether in pain or not, and avoid smoking then I get a good idea of what your health paradigm is: “prevention is key”. However, if your grocery basket is filled with Cheetos, your idea of exercise is taking out the trash, and you visit your chiropractor when your “back goes out”, I assume your health paradigm is: “symptoms-based” or “sick-care”.

Maybe it is time to take inventory of our own health paradigm.

If our choices are lack-luster, maybe it is time to re-focus on what health paradigms we have been operating from. If your health paradigm is one of wellness, prevention, limitless potential, then great job! If not, let’s tighten up our underlying paradigm, and see that the choices we make come a little more on purpose, versus reactionary.

Check out our website for more information.


Entropy can be described as a process in which order turns to dis-order over a period of time. I remember learning the process of entropy in 5th grade. I believe it was a core concept in science of the time, discussing how rivers change course over time, etc. I never thought I would use the concepts of entropy later on in life, however today I’d like us to think about entropy, and the human body.

Spoiler Alert!

A human body breaks down over time. Of course, I guess this isn’t a spoiler alert, however with all the trouble some go through to not look older, it is worth being said. In fact, we know that our time on this earth is finite. In the healthcare industry, entropy is simply what we are trying to delay, it’s our never ending battle. I use the word “delay”, because there is no preventing death, cheating death, or fooling the eventual outcome.

So, how do we delay something that is inevitable, and can it be delayed in the first place?

I say it absolutely can. In fact I have proof that deterioration in the spine can and will reverse itself, if given the proper care. So, with this being a fact, that the body can and does heal in this manner, what is actually CAUSING the healing process?

What is IT that is reversing entropy, causing the end process to be delayed, in a living thing?

It’s important to really think about this question. I’d rather not give you the answer right away. I guess call this a cliffhanger, and spend the next few days thinking of this all important question. It’s important, because it determines HOW you will treat your healthcare.

If you are having trouble formulating your answer, you are welcome to go here to research more.

Until next time!

Don’t settle, son.

Little_league_baseball_buntI was drafted to the All-star Baseball team year after year for my defensive play. However, it was a few years into my baseball years when my dad thought I needed to be “straightened up”. I had gotten lazy, I became content with not being a great batter. My batting skills were absolutely terrible. “Who cares”, I thought. After all, I was making the All-star team without need of hitting the ball. It was then that dad said these 2 words that I think about to this day, “Don’t settle, son.”

Today, I have been thinking about these words with my patients often. Unfortunately, many people sell themselves way too short. So, here is my recommendation if you have found yourself settling:

1- Don’t settle for a life lived at any less than 100%. You are the only one that knows if you are holding anything back.

2- Don’t settle for a CoreScore less than a 90. Your nerve-system can be measured. If it is measuring poorly, get back on track with your chiropractic care.

3- Don’t settle for a level of health that holds you back from enjoying time with your kids. I have never felt like it was a bad decision to play with my son. Get your health where it needs to be to make this a reality every time.

4- Don’t settle for a smaller dream. Your dream is your dream. It is yours for a reason, make it happen or you will find a hole in your life that can not be filled with inaction.

Make it a great week, and comment to let me know what you plan to not settle on!
