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Health Insurance

Health Insurance

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A common conversation today is on insurance, specifically: health insurance. Health insurance is misunderstood so commonly because the term is incorrect to begin with. If health insurance companies were truly insuring your health, then more energy would be given to funding pre-unhealthy states of their members.

For instance, an insurance company would help pay for healthier food options, or pay for a trainer at your health club. To the contrary, what we see now is an insurance company that will pay for tubes in a child’s ears due to ear infections, however will not pay for conservative chiropractic care which has shown some great results with ear infections in children. Check out the research: Research: 93% of ear infections improve in children with chiropractic care

It would be interesting to see the business model of a true “health insurance” company develop. An insurance company that would pay for chiropractic services, nutrition, organic food choices could be a discount to the plan, etc.

Maybe health insurance needs a new name..sick insurance.

What are your thoughts?

Matthew M Mix, DC, ACP


There are few of us that want mediocrity in life. That is one reason why you read blogs such as this one. Watch this:


As a chiropractor, I have seen both sides of the story. The individual that wants an average life seems to think that this means stability, or safety. Thinking, “If I want to have an exceptional life, then I really need to gamble with my life.” However, I say this is guaranteed with that attitude, “If you lead a life of mediocre behaviors, health, and attitude, you are destined to never have an extraordinary life.”

Therefore, is it a gamble to try for the extraordinary? Possibly. However, never throwing your money on the table guarantees you have no chance of winning at all.

Nice day today.

It is always interesting how much people want to talk about the weather. No matter where you go, the story is the same. 

Think it’s going to rain today?

Looks like the winter is coming to a close..hmm well see!

I’ve noticed that people truly seem to have an infatuation with the weather in ways no other subject area gets attention. Why is that?

Here is my thought:

Weather is something we all experience. It’s that one thing that we know we are all “going through”. No matter your financial, spiritual, or health status…weather is the same for all of us. Maybe it is just that one thing that gives us a feeling of belonging. Is there any other subject that we know we all agree on? Sure, the Olympics gives all Americans the same team to root for, but then again we don’t all agree to like the same sports. I have recently really enjoyed watching hockey, however many like figure skating…boring!

What about health? (You knew I needed to talk about my favorite subject, right?) 

How are you?

Do people REALLY want to know how you feel? Not really. Yet when someone says:

Hey, how you doin’?

Do they really want to know how you feel? Doubtful. Personally, I want to know how you are FUNCTIONING…truly how you are doin’. These are two completely different things. Knowing how you feel allows me to be empathetic to your situation, however helps me and you very little in way of giving me information to really try to help you.

So, here we are, bonded together like a fraternity in the one thing that we know we are all experiencing…weather. Guess when you think about it, it’s not really that bad. It’s nice to know that we are all experiencing the same thing. It is important to add that our bodies’ response to the weather is a completely different story….more on that later.

For now..

Looks like a good, clear day today, 72 for a high, no chance of rain…at least that’s what “they” say. I’m not washing my truck, if you know what I mean.



As we enjoy time with family, we think about the important things…our values.
The highest family values that we subscribe to are honesty, love, purpose, making a difference, family, and health.
I suggest this season you bring substance to the conversations. Instead of talking about celebrities, or greedy politicians, try this:
See what values your family comes up with. Then, we can all keep each other accountable to only feeding our values.
By reading and sharing this blog,
you are taking a step towards a healthier future. That step means you believe in the possibility of greater potential.
Thank you for sharing, caring, and loving what we love most of all…potential.
-The Mix Family


As the year is closing in, it is time to reflect on those accomplishments, and pitfalls of 2013.
What can we celebrate from the year?
What went right?
What risk did I take?
Did the risk payoff?
What didn’t pay off?
Did it not work out because I took a risk? or
Did it not work because I gave up in some way?

Huge questions, I know. However if you are interested in growing, evolving, becoming a better version of yourself, these are really important questions to ask. Personally, I find that it is human tendency to focus on the negative, the loss, or the challenges. That’s absolutely ok, if it drives me. However, if it causes me to stop growing and evolving, then I have truly wasted time.
Time is the most precious commodity, of which can never be returned. Use it wisely.