(512) 321–9200

rain and the adjustment

Right now my town is in a drought. In fact the rain is so hard to come by, that the city has decided to place us under a moderate water restriction. In fact, I will take a picture of my yard today, and again in 2 weeks. I can guarantee the difference will be considerable.

It’s easy to understand: the less water, the less growth. More importantly: the less water, the more death.

Invariably the first thing that will happen, is that in the sunniest areas (the areas most effected by dryness) will start to turn brown. Then, it spreads like a domino effect. Soon the brown will be everywhere the shade isn’t. It’s not a pretty picture, in fact for a guy from New Orleans, where it rains daily during the summer, it is hard to watch. Everything that I worked so hard to plant, cut and trim will soon turn to dead, loose hay.

I can imagine your innate (that healing power within you) feeling the same way about your cells not getting the nerve impulses properly. Disappointed that it’s not being fed the right ingredients to keep it healthy. Your innate intelligence knows what to do to keep you healthy, and to return you to health, should you get sick. If your innate intelligence could talk, would it say, “Hey there. Remember me? We started out great. I had you working like a fine Rolex…and all you had to do is not interfere with the process!”

Pretty awesome

Is there anything that can equal the awesomeness that is your innate intelligence?

Think about your first day of life.  Not the day that we call your birthday, I’m talking about the day life actually occurred for you.  A life formed out of union of a sperm and an egg.  From that early union, began life for you. Since then changes continue to occur.  These changes occur mostly with no input from you at all.  In fact without input from you, the changes that occur within you are much more likely to be better, than with your “intellectual” input at all.

To think that we know more than the power that made you, is completely wrong.  As a chiropractor, I watch, and remove interference to that wonderful power that already resides within you.  This allows for the maximal expression of your life.

Matthew M Mix, DC

Who knows best?

How do we know when we are sick?

Who determines whether your body is doing what it should be doing (healthy), or if it is out of control (sick)?

By out of control, who or what is in control of our body and it’s functions?

As a Chiropractor, we refer to the “in control who or what” as Innate Intelligence.  Innate Intelligence, or II for short, is that “thing” inside all of us that calls the shots.  With all my education, I have no idea how to turn a Twinkie into energy, and  I can not regulate my own blood pressure for the proper activities.  So, if it were up to my “educated mind” to keep me alive and healthy….I would fail.

Therefore, how do I know when I am really healthy or sick?  Fevers are used to kill harmful invaders in my body…a natural immune response.  Vomiting is a way to get “bad stuff” out of my body, as does diarrhea.

Instead of second guessing our II, try supporting it with things that we KNOW that are good and healthy.  Let’s not jump the gun on whether we THINK we need to lower that fever, or take a pill to induce a response from our body.  Until man is smarter than II, there is no reason to second guess it….support it!

Matthew M Mix, DC


I have a 2-year-old son that likes to constantly talk.  You really have to be careful what you say around the house.  I was watching the Yankees play the Red Sox this weekend, and as usual, I like to get “involved” in the game.  The new word my son picked up on was: “terrible”.  The rest of the afternoon he was trying to figure out the true definition of the word.  You could hear him using it in sentences, and then looking to my wife and I for approval.   When we disagreed with what he thought was “terrible”, he would move on to another context of the word.  It took him about 5 different tries, and a couple of minutes until he had nailed it.  He was then able to call out “terrible” after every missed Yankee opportunity, the climax being when Derek Jeter missed a easy pop-fly!

It amazes me watching the little guy think.  Then I realized this:

We, as human beings, are born with an inborn need to figure stuff out.  We want to understand.

This need is built into our beings.  I call it our Innate craving.  We all crave the same basic things in life.  The strongest of these is the Innate crave to survive.  Luckily for you, your Innate Intelligence is very good at helping you survive.

And also luckily for you, Chiropractic’s sole purpose is to free up your Innate Intelligence, so that your Innate can do its job!


Life is marathon, not a sprint.

I see this understanding among people that get great results while under chiropractic care.  It’s the understanding that symptoms will come and go, however as long as we do the right things, we will get the right results.  These are the people that get the best results, and the results stick.

They are not worried about the ups and downs of what they feel.  They understand the principle of health and healing, and they are not afraid of the little bumps along the way.

The principle of health and healing is this:

All healing happens by way of an Innate Intelligence that is in you.  There is an intelligence within you that is responsible for keeping you healthy, and healing you when necessary.  There is no human being that could ever know what your innate intelligence knows.  Chiropractors simply remove the interference from this inner intelligence, thus allowing it to work without interference.  When this happens, your Innate Intelligence is able to do it’s job, without interference.

Then and only then can you heal.